Okay, I am never sure when I start a diet how well it will go. Thus, I haven't started a diet on well, a while. I have to make it through the first day which can be very hard! It is just so easy to see something good to eat halfway through the day and eat it saying, "I will start again tomorrow". The advantage I guess with this diet is that you freaking give yourself a shot! I didn't want that for nothing either!
Anyhow, I did cheat today if you would even call it that. I have looked around at other people's blogs and such and I can never figure things out. It is like you have to follow the Siemons protocol to the T on some of these things and others add in Kevin Truedeau's stuff (all organic) I guess I am cheating in a very small way which I really don't think matters, my cheat? I got some sugar free hot chocolate and sugar free crystal light drink mix. The hot chocolate has 50 calories per serving. The Crystal light has none. You are allowed 2T. of milk a day, I figure that is the milk in my hot chocolate. The crystal light is because I am a Dr. Pepper addict and well, I wanted a flavored drink!
I am proud of myself. My weight today…274, Down 3 lbs in one day! That rocks. I wonder if it is real or just like water weight. With girls it seems weight can just fluctuate all over the place.
Anyhow, here is my food:
1 apple
12oz hot chocolate
3 oz chicken for lunch, 3 oz chicken for dinner. I must say that these tiny pieces of chicken are my favorite parts!
1 tomato
1pt crystal light
1 cucumber
1 can of V8 juice, oh yes, another 50 calorie cheat. Hello, it is a tomato with spice. Fantastic!